The following document establishes the terms and conditions that will regulate the RAFFLE, from November 15 to December 30, 2021, promoted by AMERICAN NICARAGUAN FOUNDATION, hereinafter referred to as "ANF", whose main objective is to raffle tickets to raise funds in benefit of the programs ANF promotes in Nicaragua for the most vulnerable.

 Prizes that were donated thanks to the generosity of the following companies:

1.      Mukul

2.      Kipesa Sociedad Anónima

3.      Compañía Licorera de Nicaragua, S.A (Flor de Caña)



Participation in this raffle is applicable to all individuals over 18 years of age, legal or natural people (with a valid and in good condition identity card), nationals or foreigners residing or not in Nicaragua, who have read and accepted the present participation conditions.

 Participating in the Raffle is understood as accepting the terms and conditions hereby stated.


ANF will make available the amount of 400 tickets (each one individually numbered from #001 to #400, during the period from November 15 to December 30, 2021. Participants may acquire these tickets with a value of $50.00 dollars each.

 Each ticket may be paid by check towards American Nicaraguan Foundation (ANF), credit card, debit card, by wire transfer to any of the following accounts: BAC, Dollars Account, #365-02974-4  or BAC, Córdobas Account #356-35339-1, or through our website (https://www.anfnicaragua.org/2021raffle). The tickets may also be purchased at our office located in Ofiplaza, El Retiro, Building #2, Floor #2, Suite #221.

In case the ticket is paid in córdobas, the total value will be calculated at the rate of C$35.00 córdobas per dollar (US$). Once the ticket or tickets have been acquired, the participant must fill out the information requested.


 FIRST PRIZE Mukul – Two-night stay for two guests in a luxurious beachfront villa at Mukul Residences in Guacalito de la Isla, Nicaragua with breakfast included.


This certificate is not exchangeable, cannot be combined with any other promotions or discounts, and it is valid until June 30, 2022. Reservation is subject to availability. A minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 90 days are required to make a reservation. This certificate cannot be used on the following dates: December 19, 2021 to January 10, 2022 or April 10-17.

SECOND PRIZE: Motorcycle HERO ECO 150 - Year 2022

Note: In case of foreigners – Paragraph G, Numeral 6 of these terms and conditions apply.

THIRD PRIZE: "FLOR DE CAÑA BOUTIQUE GIFT CERTIFICATE - Valid for $500. All Flor de Caña products and items apply.


 The draw will take place on January 5th on ANF's Instagram - Official platform, the winners will be randomly chosen and the winners of the 3 draws will be chosen starting from the third prize until reaching the first prize. The draw will include all the participants who have effectively paid and purchased for each ticket during the period of validity of the raffle.

 The winners will be announced on the same day during ANF's Official Instagram platform.


 For the delivery of the prizes, the winners will be contacted from ANF's central offices and through ANF's official platforms, to indicate that they are the winners. Each winner must present themselves individually at ANF's offices:

  • Individuals: With their valid identification document and in good condition (they may delegate someone through a Special Power of Attorney, duly notarized).

  • Legal Entities: Must present their Power of Attorney duly accredited with an identity card and the Power of Attorney that authorizes him/her to collect the prize.

  • Foreigners: Must present a valid and in good condition residence card and/or passport (may delegate someone through a Special Power of Attorney, duly notarized).

The identification documents must be presented in original, to validate your data and certify you as the winner of the Raffle. The person in charge of contacting the winner will inform him/her that he/she must present him/herself within ten working days from the date of the call.


 The winners authorize ANF to broadcast for publicity purposes, in media and other forms that ANF may have, their images and voices in any means of communication, whether visual, audio, or other, including presentations by over-the-air television, antenna, cable, satellite, radio, Internet, etc., without the participant having the right to claim any indemnification or compensation whatsoever.


1.      The prizes will only be for those who have purchased and paid under the conditions established in these Terms and Conditions.

2.      All participants will have the opportunity to win one or more of the prizes offered in these Rules and Regulations.

 3.      All persons who purchase a ticket may participate except for ANF’s employees and their families in first and second degree of consanguinity and affinity.

  • Consanguinity:

    First degree of consanguinity: parents/children (both natural and adopted).

    - Second degree of consanguinity: siblings, grandparents, and grandchildren.

  • Affinity:

    -First degree of affinity: spouse, in-laws (spouse's parents), children's spouses, father's spouse, mother's spouse.

4.      Only individuals of legal age may participate in the purchase of ticekts.

5.      If the winner does not withdraw his/her prize, ANF reserves the right to dispose of it as it sees fit.

6.      The winners will be able to withdraw the prize in the country of their residence applying only the United States & Nicaragua.

  • To the winners abroad, if they were to win the second prize (Moto HERO ECO 150), a prize of $1,270 will be awarded to the account provided by the winner.

  • The foreign winner is solely and exclusively responsible for the use of the second prize and releases ANF from any civil and criminal liability for any wrongdoing he/she may perform.

7.      The legal expenses and taxes derived from the acquisition of said prizes will be under  ANF’s responsibility, (in the case of the second prize ANF assumes the expenses for the elaboration of the definitive Deed in favor of the winner). 

8.      If the winner of the second prize does not reside in Nicaragua, he/she may choose $1,270 dollars in cash.

9.      The costs of registration and transfer of ownership of the second prize before the Vehicle Transit Department of the National Police in favor of the winner will be assumed in its entirety by the winner.

10.   The prizes must be picked up by the winner or the person empowered to receive the prize on behalf of the winner (power of attorney duly granted and identity document of the POA ).

11.   All expenses, obligations, or actions necessary for the winner to collect and make use of the prize obtained shall be borne exclusively by the winner, except as stipulated in these rules.

12.   The warranty related to Moto Hero ECO 150, will be under the charge of KIPESA, S.A.

13.   The Mukul Beach Lodging is a donation of MUKUL BEACH, GOLF & SPA and Guacalito de la Isla, a development of Grupo Pellas.

14.   The Flor de Caña Premium Basket is a donation of Flor de Caña.


 Any modifications to the terms and conditions of these rules and regulations will be duly notified through ANF's official media and platform.